
Related Schemes and Literature


Today’s–well, technically yesterday’s–daily post was a very interesting topic, based around a quote by Kierkegaard. I got to thinking how little I knew of his work and philosophy. I decided to no longer put off wrestling with this man through his writings. Perhaps, like Isaac, I shall get my leg disjoint in the effort, but the time has come for me to work out with his Fear and Trembling. Perhaps Purity of Heart. It is shorter, and I wouldn’t mind that Either/Or I could start there. This indecision is really a kind of Sickness unto Death.

With such titles, why have I left his work, so long untouched! left mouldering on forgotten shelves, or more like to have left in buried boxes. No more!

But where I might best start may not be where any other may better, and having looked briefly at a few sites pretending to address this very idea, found one I think well worthy of inclusion here. There are a number of thoughtful reviews, that would be a help in making an informed decision. A number of suggestions are given, and many include the reasoning behind the choice. Read them all, though, because there are some opinions nearer the end that helped me to understand why so many people find his writings difficult or strange. The information about the different puppet voices he uses to be ‘the author’ of a work or line of reasoning gives me hope and excitement toward my somewhat hasty decision last morning to learn more of Kierkegaard through his writing.

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